As a law firm, signing a marketing contract can either be a smooth partnership or a long, difficult commitment. Unfortunately, many firms get locked into unfavorable contracts because they don’t fully understand the terms. To help you avoid this pitfall, I’ve outlined 10 critical terms that every law firm should insist on before signing any marketing agreement.
1. 30-Day Cancellation Notice
You don’t want to be stuck in a contract for months—or worse, years—if the marketing agency isn’t delivering results. Always insist on a 30-day cancellation notice. This ensures you have the flexibility to exit the agreement quickly without hefty penalties or long wait times.
2. Ownership of All Content and Links
Make sure that you own all content, third-party links, and assets created as part of the campaign. In many cases, agencies retain ownership of the website, articles, and backlinks they produce. If you switch or cancel the contract, you could lose everything, leaving you in a bind. Clarify in the contract that all deliverables are owned by your firm.
3. Open Source Website Platform
Avoid being stuck with a website built on a custom content management system (CMS) that only the agency can maintain. Opt for an open-source platform like WordPress, which gives you flexibility. Most agencies are familiar with WordPress, making it easier to switch providers or manage the website yourself without being held hostage.
4. Transparency on Payments to Third-Party Suppliers
Ensure that all payments to third-party suppliers, such as for paid ads or directory listings, are reported to you. Some agencies hide behind vague pricing structures, making it unclear what’s being spent on actual campaigns versus agency fees. Get a clear breakdown of these costs to avoid overpaying.
5. All Copy Must Be Human-Written and Professionally Edited
While AI-generated content is tempting for some agencies, it’s not always reliable, especially in the legal space. Your contract should state that all copy is human-written and edited by professionals. Poorly written or automated content could harm your law firm’s reputation and rankings, so protect your brand with this simple clause.
6. Monthly Reports with Work Summary Sheets
Transparency is key. Ensure your contract specifies that you’ll receive monthly reports with work summary sheets. This keeps you in the loop on what’s been done, what’s planned, and how your campaign is progressing. A regular review with your account manager ensures accountability.
7. Pre-Approval of All Link Placements
You need to control where your backlinks are placed. Insist on pre-approving all third-party link placements to avoid spammy or low-quality sites that can damage your SEO. You should know exactly where your links are going and ensure they’re being placed on authoritative, relevant websites.
8. Pre-Approval of All Published Content
Just like links, all content published on your behalf should be pre-approved by you or your team. This ensures that the articles align with your brand, maintain legal accuracy, and reflect the expertise you want to project. It also prevents embarrassing mistakes from being published.
9. No Commitment to Testimonials
Some agencies slip a clause into their contracts that forces you to provide positive testimonials after a few months of working together. You should never be required to give a testimonial unless you genuinely want to. Make sure your contract doesn’t have any such commitment and that your agency is obligated to maintain privacy about your partnership.
10. The Contract is Not “Standard”
Finally, don’t fall into the trap of believing that a contract is “standard.” Just because a large agency presents it as a pre-written agreement doesn’t mean you can’t negotiate it. Contracts should always be tailored to your needs, and you should read every line before signing. If they’re unwilling to adjust terms, that’s a red flag. It’s your money and your firm’s future on the line—so negotiate!
Final Thoughts
Contracts should protect both parties, not just the agency. By ensuring these 10 must-have terms are included, you can avoid getting locked into an unfavorable deal and set your firm up for a successful partnership.
Need help reviewing your marketing contracts or want to discuss improving your law firm’s digital strategy? Schedule a free consultation at today, and let’s make sure your firm is getting the best deal possible.